Minggu, 17 November 2013

The Strategy of Islamic Tourism Development in West Java Part. 3

The Strategy of Islamic Tourism Development in West Java
(Study at Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga)
By: Abdurrahman MBP

D. Analysis of Sharia Potentcies Tourism in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga.
Based on the explanation of the tradition and culture of Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga earlier, illustrated that both the villages have a rich tradition and culture very much and potentially become a sharia tourist attraction. But unfortunately, this potentcy has not been explored and has not made a superior tourism to attract more tourists to visit the both tourist sites. Therefore, it needs a strategy to develope sharia tourism. And that large potentcy will not be utilized without any development strategy.
Indonesian dictionary says that strategy is a careful plan of the activities to achieve specific objectives.[1] While according to Amirullah,[2] strategy is a plan of a broad base of organizational actions to achieve a goal. Plan to achieve these goals in accordance with the company's external and internal environment. At the company's environmental, strategy is a means to achieve the company's objectives in relation to long-term goals, follow-up programs, and resource allocation priorities.[3] So the strategy is undertaken measures to optimize the resources internally and externally to achieve certain goals. Related to the development of sharia Tourism is that the strategy was to design an action by optimizing the existing potentcies for advancement in the sharia tourism in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga. While "Development" is a process, method, and work to develop something for more better, perfect, advanced, and useful.[4] So the strategy of sharia tourism development is formulated as measures to preserve, promote, and make sharia tourist attraction more interesting and more developed in accordance with the principles of Islamic Sharia.
Refers to Butler`s opinion cited by Cooper and Jackson[5] on Tourism Life Cycle with the stages: Stage of exploration, involvement phase, development phase, and the consolidation phase of constitutionalism, which was followed by stagnation phase institutionalism, and the decline phase, so Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga are at the early stages of the exploration phase in which both sites have a variety of other potential tourist attraction that is still relatively new and existing visitors are only limited surrounding communities. Therefore, the support of all parties, especially the government, indigenous elders, and the community are expected for sharia tourism development at these two locations.
Sharia Tourism as a new term defined as tourism activities are supported by a variety of facilities and services provided by the public, businessman, and sharia compliant government.[6] The definition of "Sharia" is more on the service; and the product of travel itself becomes the point. While Malaysia's Islamic Tourism defines with any activity, event, experience, or indulgence, undertaken in a state of travel that is in accorance with Islam.[7] If it is formulated, there are four standards as syaria tourism: First, the issue of halal food (halal food), second, Qibla direction, the third, the provision of the scriptures of the holy Qur'an, and the fouth, sharia guidance to the communities around tourist sites. In addition, each treats a tourist attraction should not conflict with Islamic values, such as pornography, immorality, shirk, and so on. According to the criteria of the sharia tourism and cultural traditions as well as a tourist attraction in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga is very suitable as a prior sharia tourist attraction in West Java. Before setting development strategy, it first has described the strengths and weaknesses of each location. Here are the results of the analysis:
1.    SWOT Analysis of Sharia Tourism in Kampung Dukuh:
Internal / External
Strength (S)
1.   The entire population is Muslim
2.   Indigenous head is a scholar
3.   Local tradition-based on Islam
4.   Indigenous Villages Islamic slogans
5.   Tomb of Shaykh Abdul Jalil as a place of pilgrimage
6.   Local arts-based on Islam
7.   Architectural homes, mosques and Islamic settlement pattern
8.   Islamic mores
9.   Natural scenic beauty
Weaknesses (W)
1.  Remote location in the interior
2.  Public transport is very limited
3.  The path to the location is not good
4.  Inadequate parking space
5.  Lack of tourism facilities
6.  There are no toilet facilities for public
7.  Promotion has not been done with maximal
8.  No Tourist Information Center (TIC)
9.  There is no tour guide who can explain the uniqueness of Kampung Dukuh
Opportunities (O)
1.    Global economic conditions
2.    National economic conditions
3.    Increased public interest in the city against the traditional village
4.    Community participation in preserving the culture of Sundanese
5.    Global political conditions
6.    National political conditions
7.    Security Garut
8.    Advances in technology of information
9.    Competitiveness with similar tourist attraction
SO Strategies
Strategies that use strengths and take advantage of opportunities

Strategy of product development
WO Strategies
Strategies that minimize weaknesses to exploit opportunities

Strategy of development Promotion
Threats (T)
1.    Global Warming
2.    Lack of public awareness in preserving the environment
3.    Government policy on tourism development strategy

ST Strategy
Strategy to address the threat to use force.

Strategy of Sustainable tourism development
WT strategies
Strategies that minimize weaknesses and avoid threats

strategy of Human resource development

2. SWOT Analysis of Sharia Tourism in Kampung Naga:
Internal / External
Strength (S)
1.   The entire community is Muslim
2.   Mosque as a center of cultural and religious activities
3.   In non-formal governance structures, there is Lebe who takes care of the religious.
4.   Local tradition is based on Islam
5.   Architectural homes, mosques and unique settlement patterns
6.   Strategic location and easy accessible parking.
7.   Existing Tourist Information Center (TIC) and guides
8.   The natural beauty around the site
9.   Ciwulan river
Weaknesses (W)
1.  No-maximal promotion
2.  Still lack of closed-toilet facilities for public
3.  Less well-organized existence of stalls and street vendors
4.  Traditional image of Islam that still linger strongly in the surrounding community
5.  There is no standard schedule for the traditional activities that can be promoted
6.  The attitude of people who do not want to expose the activities of indigenous
7.  Most people have not been able to feel the positive impact of tourist
Opportunities (O)
1.    Global economic conditions
2.    National economic conditions
3.    Increased public interest in the old city with Sundanese culture
4.    Community participation in preserving cultural
5.    Global political conditions
6.    National political conditions
7.    Security in Tasikmalaya
8.    Advances in information and  technology
9.    Competitiveness with similar tourist attraction
SO Strategies
Strategies that use strengths and take advantage of opportunities

Strategy of product development

WO Strategies
Strategies that minimize weaknesses to exploit opportunities

Strategy of Promotion  development
Threats (T)
1.    Global Warming
2.    Began to decrease public awareness in preserving the environment
3.    Government policy on sharia tourism development
ST Strategy
Strategies that use the force to address the threats

Strategies of Sustainable tourism development
WT Strategies
Strategies that minimize weaknesses then avoid threats

Strategies of Human resource development

Based on this table it is seen the strengths and weaknesses for the development of Sharia Tourism in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga. The strengths of both these villages are:
1.     The community of both these villages is Muslim.
2.     Tradition and culture are evolving based on Islamic values.
3.     Visitors who come mainly are from Muslim.
4.     Art that developed in both these villages is in Islamic culture
5.     Prevailing customs is in a harmony with universal-Islamic values ​​
Those Forces are the basis for the development of Islamic Tourism. While the weakness of both these villages are:
1.    The awareness of tourism  from both citizens is low
2.    Traditions and customs that still believed is in the taboo that applies or should not do something at a certain time and place.
3.    Understanding of Islamic values ​​is not equaly distributed in the community
4.    Kampung Dukuh is still difficult to reach, very minimal transportation, and tourism development patterns that have not been developed.
5.    Local government policies are still lacking in disseminating the Sharia Tourism Program.
6.    Sharia tourism product developments that have not varied
7.    HRD who understand sharia is still very limited
8.    Strengths and weaknesses are mentioned to be the basis for determining the development strategy of sharia tourism in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga.

E. Strategy of Sharia Tourism Development in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga.
Based on the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses above can be formulated development strategies that could be implemented for the development of Sharia Tourism Program as follows:

Strategies of Development
Strategic Steps
Strategy of Sharia Tourism Product Development
1.     Regions arrangement and enhancement of Islamic sharia-based tourism facilities
2.     Implementation based on religious and cultural traditions and local sociocultural
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy
1.     Improvement of environmental quality
2.     Improving the quality of religious life and social culture Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga
3.     Economic development for local communities
Promotion Development Strategy
1.     Promotion by the Tourism Office of Tasikmalaya and Garut
2.     Cooperation with Sharia-based Travel Bureau
3.     Procurement Tourist Information Center in the village of Hamlet
Human Resource Development Strategy
1.     Increased sharia-based Human Resources
2.     Improved understanding of the values ​​of the Islamic Sharia

Development program of the SO Strategies (Strengths Opportunities) is the regional arrangement and enhancement of tourism facilities-based Islamic sharia. In addition to the implementation of the development will be conducted based on religious and cultural traditions and local social culture as a sharia tourist attraction.
Further development program of the ST strategies (Strengths Threats) is effort to improve environmental quality, enhance the quality of life of religious and social culture in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga, and increase the local community's economy. The existence of tourism activities in the area should be able to improve the economy and welfare of income surrounding community.
Development program of WO strategies (Weakness Opportunities) is a more vigorous promotion by both the Department of Tourism of Garut and Tasikmalaya regency or Culture and Tourism Department of West Java province. Moreover it is should be explored in cooperation with Sharia-based Travel Agency and Procurement Tourist Information Center in Kampung Dukuh to provide services for the visitors.
Improvement of Human Resources conducted with Sharia-based human resource (HR) as well as an improved understanding of sharia-based values of the Islamic Sharia. This work can be done by making training, workshops, and deepening the Islamic materials on an ongoing basis to the tour guide specially and citizens generally.

F. Conclusions and Recommendations
Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga are two indigenous villages occupied by indigenous communities which until today still adhere to religious beliefs and faith. They have different traditions in the form of religious ceremonies and rituals that are conducted regularly, in addition to the architecture of houses and buildings as well as their settlement patterns are the core of tourist destinations that are sold over the years. Strategy of sharia tourism development sets out by looking at the consideration of the strengths and weaknesses in both sites.
The strength in Kampung Dukuh includes the condition that all of the religious community is Muslim; their traditions are based on Islamic values and environmental conditions favorable for the implementation of sharia-based tourism. While the weaknesses of Kampung Dukuh are located at the far inland location; so the access to the site is difficult, damaged road conditions, has not been optimized as a tourist attraction, the means of supporting such as touris information center also does not exist, and similarly, services such as tourist guides have not been held by the community or village elders.
The strength in Kampung Naga is home architecture and settlement patterns that have been recognized by the world, while the whole populations are Muslims who carry out customs in harmony with the values ​​of Islamic sharia. Its easy location to access, many traditions and customs that perfomed regularly make Kampung Naga as a place that frequented by the public at home and abroad. Its disadvantage is not optimal promotion by the related department mainly deals with Sharia Travel Program.
Development strategy that can be done for the development of Islamic Tourism Program is the development strategy based on sharia tourism product, sustainable tourism development strategy, strategy development and the promotion of human resource development (HRD) based on Islamic values.
Recommendations and suggestions from author to the West Java Provincial Government specially the Department of Tourism in Tasikmalaya and Garut are the district needs to immediately develop Sharia Travel Program in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga, considering both these locations have great potential in sharia tourism industry. Sharia tourism development in Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga are performed as a form of protection of their religion and beliefs of local communities as well as market demand on sharia-based tourism. in its development of Sharia tourism program at Kampung Dukuh and Kampung Naga should give a positive impact on the entire community in the area of research both moral (religious values espoused) and material (increase income and well-being).

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[1] Poerwadarminton, 2002. Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta Balai Pustaka.
[2]  Amirullah, 2004. Manajemen Strategik, Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, page 4
[3] Rangkuti, F. 2005. Analisis SWOT, Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, page. 3.
[4] Rangkuti, F. 2005. Analisis SWOT, Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, page 3.
[5] Cooper, C. And Jackson, S. L. 1997. Destination Life Cycle: The Isle of The man Case Study. (ed. Lesly, France) dalam The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Tourism. UK : Earthscan Publication Limited.
[6] Anonimous, 2012, Panduan Wisata Syariah, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia. 
[7] http://www.itc.gov.my/content.cfm accessed on July 12, 2013.

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